A few people live here. Most of them reside here, though there
are occasional short term visitors. A few old
granite cottages have been restored, with plumbing
and power installed, and we have a caravan for summer
(or hardy) visitors. You can Read about The
Cottages here, and if you would like to come for
a holiday escape or to live here, let us know.
Get a ZERO
We have a dream ...
Can a village have a lower impact on nature than modern commercial
agriculture? We think so. Click to find
out about our
which might one day become a reality. Wouldn't
that be cool?!
We recommend Linda
Moss's Organic Places to Stay, Responsible
Travel and Sustainable Tourism Ireland.
There's always plenty do do around here, tending the garden, logging
or clearing the woods, maintaining buildings and wall.
If you would like to find out what it's like please
let us know. Nothing here is going to yield
a living wage, but you might find out a bit about
how nature works or even find yourself.If you would
like to join our nature
club, please contact
us. We manage all land naturally - no chems
and lots of hard work! See the garden
section here.

Sometimes people even get married here, but that's about communing with nature as much as having a party ...
There are some fun things
to do around here.
The woods were once designed as pleasure gardens with many exotic
rhododendrons and bluebells planted throughout. There are paths
and ditches and dykes built by hand which allow access. Right in
the centre is an Asian water garden rediscovered recently.
The River Slaney at
the edge of our woods, used to be one of the fastest
rivers with the best spring salmon catch in Europe. That was 100
years ago and today we encourage anglers to enjoy the river, but leave
the fish alone. Anglers are the last protection against urban and
industrial pollution of the Slaney water basin.

Yoga schedule here.

Read about fishing at
Ballin Temple (only permitted under special circumstances.
Nature Club membership required)
The Eastern
Region Fisheries Board has information about permits, fisheries etc.