Touring HistoryAt Ballin Temple
The tumble down forge with the wheel stone in the foreground. ---> The remains of the house built around 1750 and destroyed in 1917. You may find the remains of the stables in the woods around these columns, however, most stones were removed to build a wall in Ardattin in the 1980s. All over the estate one can find remains of man made structures especially walls but also some buildings. There are the cottages built for families working on the farm such as "Johnny Byrne's" or the old laundry on the way to the river. We believe there are the ancient remains of a church with which the name "Baile an Teampaill" (Settlement of Sanctuary) may be related. These are on the wooded cliffs near the river, although positive identification has not been made and only a few granite blocks have been found. Seeing Irish History Around BT
In fact, just driving through the countryside you will notice the granite stone walls still largely intact. Although people are beginning to pull them down these are all hand built and have been standing for decades, in some cases centuries. And you are unlikely to find similar structures elsewhere. One can tour several sites in a day with a pub lunch on the way. This might include the Cottage Collection in Ardattin (a grand display of 20th century appliances) Altamont Garden ("Ireland's most romantic"), Hardymount Garden, Browneshill Dolmen (3000 BC), Ducketts Grove, a 17th century gothic castle, Rathgall ring fort and Huntingdon Castle, with a few pubs on the way. Moving further afield, Kilkenny offers an attractive day out with a tour of the St Canics's Cathedral, the town centre and Kilkenny Castle. Kilkenny also hosts numerous music and arts festivals during the summer months. Check out the tours on the "Touring" page and the monuments on the list of Towns, Castles, Monuments. |